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Lord of Shadows - Review

Lord of Shadows The Dark Artifices 2 Cassandra Clare 699 pages McElderry Books So Lord of Shadows happened. I had to take some time after reading LoS before I was able to write this review. While I was reading I did take some notes, most of the time just some reactions or ideas I had, but I also did put sticky notes basically everywhere, whenever I saw a beautiful quote or a scene, that broke my heart. Of course this review is full of SPOILERS and you should not read it, if you have not read all the Shadowhunter books. But I can assure you LoS was amazing and I don’t know how I am going to survive 2 years of waiting for Queen of Air and Darkness. But let us get into my review, or rather my fangirling over   every scene. (Hence I am not a native English speaker there are most likely going to be some mistakes and I am sorry for that. I hope you do enjoy this review anyway.) I did not take any notes while ...

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